4P6: Head Holding Tank Level Gauge
The level of waste water in the holding tanks can be displayed
on the GMI-20 and the Matretron 800C.
4P7: Head Y-Valves
Each head is equipped with a Y-valve. The aft one is in the Master
Stateroom in the sink cabinet of the master stateroom; the forward one is
under the hatch in the companionway. Each Y-valve is labeled "Tank"/"Sea"
indicating the type of discharge.
In US. Waters, the Coast Guard Rules require that the
valves be "secured" in the holding tank position to
assure that all effluent will be kept aboard in the tank. If
you turn the valve to overboard while in Canadian
waters, re-secure it with the wire ties supplied and
stored near the valve when you return to the U.S.!
There are overboard valves in the lines where the discharge hoses
connect to the through-
lls. These should be open, too.
Holding tank levels displayed on
the Maretron 800C.
Aft head Y-valve
Forward head Y-valve
Section 4P: Head Systems 4.42