Fresh Water System
5 Micron Pre-Filter
e large commercial water fi lter housing contains a 5 micron fi lter
element. Th
is should be checked if there is a large drop in water fl ow or
the water maker displays a error message indicating low input pressure.
Changing the 5 Micron Filter Element
1. Close the sea water intake valve at the sea strainer under the engine
room steps.
2. Move the top handle on the media fi lter to the straight up position.
is will prevent the water contained in the media fi lter from fl owing
into the cartridge when you open the canister.
3. Screw open the top of the fi lter cartridge fi lter.
4. Remove the fi lter element and replace with a new or cleaned
5. Close the fi lter housing.
6. Return the top handle on the media fi lter to the normal fl ow
7. Open the sea water sea-cock.
8. Turn on the LP PUMP button on the watermaker to help fi ll the pre-
fi lter housing and remove all air bubbles from the system.
9. Aft er all the air bubbles are gone, you can resume normal water
maker operations.
Note: The fi lter element can be cleaned by rinsing vigorously with salt water.
e salt water wash down on the bow is a good source for the salt water.
Whole Boat Fresh Water Filter
ere is a 3M whole boat water fi lter located on the port side of the
engine room. Th
is fi lters all water coming out of the fresh water tanks.
is fi lter contains both a particulate fi lter and a charcoal fi lter for
odors. Th
is fi lter should not need to be changed as it is designed
to fi lter 15,000 gallons before service.
Seawater intake under
engine room steps