MNL-1009 REV A
Baseline Drifts Downward
The baseline has been measured to drift downward at a rate of 6.5 counts over 45 minutes, even after the TEC is considered to be
stable. This issue can be mitigated by electric dark correction. See the Engineering Note QE
Baseline Drift with TEC On for more
The Timing of Acquiring Spectra
With other Ocean Insight spectrometers, a request to get the spectrum retrieves the current spectrum in the process of completing.
With the QE
, the most recently completed spectrum is retrieved. This issue is discussed more fully in the QE
Data Sheet in the
Acquire Spectra Into Buffer Timing section.
HR4000 Breakout Board DC Power Input
The HR4000 breakout board contains a DC power input. This is typically used on other Ocean Insight devices to power the device
when it is being controlled via RS232 instead of USB. However, the QE
does not support the GPIO power inputs as of this writing;
instead, use the DC power jack input on the QE
itself. Plugging in a DC power input to the HR4000 breakout board may damage
the internal circuitry on the QE
or the power supply itself.
HR4000 Breakout Board RTS and CTS Signals
The HR4000 breakout board also does not connect the RTS and CTS signals from the QE Pro to its RS-232 connector
Please contact us for any issues or concerns. Our contact information is located on our website at: