- 11 -
XXXXX=00000, to turn off this function;
XXXXX=00001~65535, time interval for sending GPRS packet and in unit of 10 seconds.
In this example, the tracker will send every 600 seconds (10 minutes).
: W000000,014,00060
The tracker will send every 600 seconds (10 minutes).
For more information regarding GPRS tracking please refer to <GPRS Communication Protocol>
7.7 Track by GpsGate
The OCB-GT-06 supports GpsGate Software.
Please contact us or GpsGate for more information of settings.
8. Authorization
: W******,003,F,P,T1 or W******,003,F,P,T1,T2 (optional)
: Authorize phone numbers for the buttons/inputs for receiving location reports or SMS alarms
or phone calls
F=0, to turn off this function; (default)
F=1, only sends SMS to the authorized phone number;
F=2, only calls the authorized phone number;
F=3, both SMS and calling.
P=1, set an authorized number for SOS button (Input 1);
P=2, set an authorized number for B button (Input 2);
P=3, set an authorized number for C button (Input 3).
T1: Preset phone number. Max.16 digits.
If you need to set different numbers for receiving SMS and phone call, you can then use
W******,003,F,P,T1,T2, In this case T1 is the phone number for receiving SMS and T2 for receiving phone
9. Call Function
Based on OCB-GT-06’s inbuilt loudspeaker and microphone, you can use OCB-GT-06 to make or receive
phone calls.
9.1 Receiving Phone Call
Use your phone or mobile phone to call the tracker, the green LED will be on and you hear beeps produced
by the tracker. Press SOS button to receive the incoming call or press Call B button to reject the call.