AcquiSuite Ally 12 & 48 User Guide (Rev D)
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P a g e
No LCD Display
An AcquiSuite Ally meter without a display can only communicate directly with a PC over
ethernet if the IP address of the meter is set to static. Setting the IP address must be done
ahead of time using another interface (such as USB or serial).
Network Scan is a feature for monitoring previously installed and configured AcquiSuite Ally meters over
an Ethernet network. Network Scan will broadcast a UDP discovery packet on the same network as the
PC running the Obvius Ally Configuration Console application. Normally this will be performed on a
corporate network running DHCP. Any PowerScout HD meter that responds will be displayed in a table
that includes the system description register, IP address, serial number, and communication
Highlight the desired meter and select OK, Test or Setup. Note that the effectiveness of this technique is
highly dependent on the configuration of the PC running Obvius Ally Configuration Console (which may
have more than one network card) and the network configuration. Rescans can be used to make
multiple attempts to locate a particular meter on busy networks (UDP has no built-in retry provisions).
The final option in the Obvius Ally Configuration Console Connect to Meter pop-up win
dow is “Launch
Configurator”. This option allows for the creation of a meter setup or alarm table for future use without
connecting to a meter. After prompting the user for a meter model (shown below), Obvius Ally
Configuration Console launches under a mode with restricted functionality. This mode operates on files