Device Details.
The device detail page will show a list of all the pulse input data points, alarm settings and console options. The data point
names for most devices are automatically entered. At the top of the page, the status of the device is shown. This usually
reports “ok” however it can include error information if the device is not responding properly. A list of device errors is
available in the log file details section of this manual. At the bottom of the page, several buttons are present.
: returns you to the device list page.
Log File:
This icon will display a table view of the most recent data in the current log file. Use the log file export page for
complete log data access.
: This icon will show the current data from the Modbus device in an XML format. The URL from this icon can be
copied and used to gather xml data for client side Javascript or Java applications.
: This button will allow you to change the device parameters such as the name, alarm and console settings.
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A7810 AcquiLite – Data Acquisition Server