To reduce the risk of electric shock:
- Always unplug this furnishing from the electrical outlet before cleaning.
The following cleaners were tested by OAKWORKS® and found to be acceptably compatible with all
materials used in construction of our beds:
Formula 409
Green Windex
The following disinfectants were tested by OAKWORKS® and found to be acceptably compatible with all
materials used in construction of our beds:
Clorox Everest / Formula 409® Multi-Surface Cleaner (EPA Reg. No. 5813-73)
Parker Labs: Protex™1 (EPA Reg. No. 6836-152)
Clorox 10% household (Bleach) Solution (EPA Reg. No. 5813-100)
Madacide-FD (EPA Reg. No. 1130-15)
Clorox EZ Kill Wipes (EPA Reg. No. 5984-10)
Clorox 8.25% Germicidal Bleach (EPA Reg. No. 67619-9)
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes (EPA Reg. No. 67619-9)
Clorox Healthcare VeraSure Wipes (EPA Reg. No. 67619-37)
Clorox Healthcare Fuzion Cleaner Disinfectant (EPA Reg. No. 67619-30)
10. Clorox Healthcare 0.65% Bleach Germicidal Cleaner Spray (EPA Reg. No. 56392-7)
11. 3M C. diff Solution Tablets (EPA Reg. No. 718147-6)
12. AntiGone Wipes (SC 291919-10)
The following disinfectants were tested by OAKWORKS® and found to be acceptably compatible with
most materials, with some cautions as indicated:
10% Sodium Hypochlorite (bleach) solution in water (EPA reg# 5813-100) (possible mild corrosion
of plated metals)
Metrex Cavicide One (EPA reg# 46781-12) (possible slight deterioration of covering and
other finishes)
OAKWORKS® recommends a prepackaged wipe for cleaners/disinfectants to ensure best distribution
of disinfectant for the required kill time, without leaving excess residue and/or overexposing components
therefore minimizing the potential for damage to materials. Please read and follow disinfectants
manufacturers’ directions for cleaning and dis-infection.
OAKWORKS® does NOT recommend the use of cleaners/disinfectants containing Hydrogen Peroxide,
Acetic Acid, or Phenolics. These chemicals can cause damage to the appearance and/or material
integrity of various components. Also, while the recommended cleaners/disinfectants list includes
products containing Quaternary Ammonium com-pounds (“quats”), not all products containing quats are
approved for use. Some contain additional detergents and/or surfactants which can be detrimental to
some materials.
A note on Bleach: While a 10% sodium hypochlorite (household bleach) solution (EPA reg# 5813-100 or
equivalent) can be an effective disinfectant and is dilute enough to be benign to most materials, it alone
is not an effective cleaner and a separate product must be used for the initial cleaning steps of the pro-
cedure. Because of possible chemical incompatibilities between various cleaning products and bleach,
utmost care must be taken by the user to avoid potential exposure to harmful or toxic by-products of the
combination. Also, because bleach leaves a potentially corrosive residue as it evaporates, it must be
rinsed with clean water after disinfection. It is therefore NOT recommended by OAKWORKS®. Please
note, one step cleaner/disinfectants using bleach and a detergent/ surfactant were found to damage
materials and are NOT recommended.