Then press the Magura hose barp into the end of the line until it is flush. Now insert the
brake line (with the Magura olive) into the brake lever body unit. When doing so, apply the
necessary pressure to the brake line to ensure a good fit.
Note: The brake line must never kink in the process.
Screw the compression nut into the brake lever body housing and tighten it. Place the anti-
kink sleeve on the brake lever body unit housing and secure it with the lower set screw.
Note: Make absolutely sure that the brake hose, olive and hose barb are pressed together com-
pletely tightly.
Now place the already mounted spiral spring on the compression nut and fasten it by
screwing the upper set screw into the anti-kink sleeve.
Note: Slight pressure on the visible end of the spring ensures a good fit of the spring.