Pro H2O Alarm Moisture Analyzer
5.0 Calibration in 0% humidity dry gas
It is possible to calibrate the humidity sensor with a certified dry GAS containing 0% of
relative humidity. Attach dry gas to flow inlet of analyser, wait for at least 1 minute and
press at the same time ON/OFF and Adjust button. You will see on display CAL Att and
the value will be 0, and on the display there will be an up arrow symbol.
For coming back the original factory calibration, follow the Reset procedure stated below
in 8.0. The instrument will forget the last calibration operation once reset.
For resetting the instrument to the original factory settings (rES), power on the instrument
pressing at the same time for few seconds the ON/OFF and the Adjust button.
Calibration gas must be certified Moisture free for accurately calibrating the moisture
As soon as the analyzer alarm is tripped shut down your compressor system
and replace all of your filter cartridges in the compressor system.
6.0 Threshold Alarms
The Alarm function must be activated every time the unit is powered on
. To activate, wait
until the unit has cycled through its startup and is steadily displaying the analyzer’s
reading. Press and hold the On/Off and Prog buttons simultaneously until the display
flashes ALN, then ON. The alarm function is active when a triangle is present in the
upper left of the analyzer display.
Should the Moisture content exceed the threshold alarms (AL1 or AL2) the instrument
will go into alarm mode and will activate the (optional) relays output (open collector max
100mA) and internal buzzer. The display will show the trespassed alarm and actual
measured value. To stop the audible alarm, press any key. In this event the Pro H
Analyzer will remain in alarm mode until the analyzed value goes below the alarm.
The relay output typically is used to shut down the compressor or activate external
optional alarms. Nuvair can supply the necessary components to adapt your compressor
to the relay or provide them at the time of install on a new compressor.
7.0 Powering Off
At the home or gas reading screen, hold down the On/Off button for a couple of seconds.
The Analyzer will display “OFF” and then go blank.
8.0 Factory Reset
In case it is necessary to reset the Pro H
O Analyzer to the factory settings, power on the
Analyzer pressing at the same time for more than one second the “On/Off” and “Adjust”
buttons. On the display will appear “res” and the instrument will go to the reading page.
Resetting the Analyzer will result in all user programmed alarms and calibration being
erased and set at factory defaults.