Tap to set the alarm volume, screen brightness, screen auto-lock, auto-logout time, operational mode,
account login mode, time delay to alarm, default display range of graph, time delay to start, ambient
temperature alarm, time to door opening alarm, update and reboot.
[Alarm Volume]:
Adjust the slider to decrease (to the left) or increase (to the right) the volume of the alarm.
Tap to "Mute".
[Screen Brightness]:
Adjust the slider to decrease (to the left) or increase (to the right) the brightness of the LCD screen.
[Screen Auto-Lock]:
Tap to set how long before the screen will enter the sleep state for protection after having not clicked it
to extend the service life of the screen, with the default value of 5min. Selectable options include: 5min,
10min, 15min, 20min, and Never. if you choose “Never” the screen will enter the screen saver 5 minutes
later. After the screen sleep, click anywhere on the LCD screen, it will automatically wake up and enter
the homepage.
Choose "never" after no operation within 5 mins the display will enter screensaver mode.
[Auto-Logout Time]:
Tap to set how long the logged-in account will automatically log out after having not carried out any
operation to protect the account security, with the default values of 5min. Selectable options include:
5min, 10min, 15 min and 20min.
[Operational Mode]:
High performance
: Provides high temperature uniformity and stability of the temperature inside the
freezer to store the sample with a very strict temperature control requirements of the internal
Energy saving
: Compared with high-performance mode, it can save up to 10% of electricity. This mode
has less strict temperature control requirements of the internal temperature.
Tap to turn the backup system ON/OFF, type of backup system, and injection temperature, and projected
injection time. It can set when connecting with backup system but cannot set when there is no backup
system, and the display will show in gray.