ELC-01MX User Manual
version 2.6
page 25
7.4 Intracellular Recording
Intracellular recordings can be performed in the whole-cell patch configuration and with sharp
Current Clamp Recording
The ELC-01MX can be used like a standard bridge amplifier.
Set the MODE OF OPERATION switch (#23, Figure 5) to CC and switch #21, Figure 5,
to BR.ON.
After impaling the cell readjust the bridge using the BR.BAL. potentiometer (#22, Figure
If needed set an appropriate holding current using the HOLD. CUR. (nA) potentiometer
(#4, Figure 5) and the holding current polarity switch.
Apply stimuli to the cell using the STIM. INPUT 10 nA/V BNC connector (#7, Figure 5).
Voltage Clamp Recording
The ELC-01MX can also be used like a simple patch-clamp amplifier.
Approach the cell in VC mode and apply square voltage pulses to the electrode.
Contact the cell, set a holding potential using the HOLD. POT. (mV) potentiometer (#18,
Figure 5) and establish the whole-cell patch clamp configuration.
If necessary, adjust the shape of the voltage signal using the VC. COMP. trim-pots
(#16, Figure 5).
Apply stimuli to the cell using the COMM. INP. / 10 mV BNC connector (#14, Figure 5).
Important: Voltage/patch clamp experiments are possible only with low resistance patch
pipettes, not with high resistance sharp micro electrodes!
Note: Stimuli can also be applied by gating a reset stimulus in CC or VC mode!