s manual (Short) ver.1.1
All rights reserved © AAT Systemy Bezpieczeństwa sp. z o.o.
Press the button to add a camera to the system.
Added camera is displayed on the bottom of the menu list. To edit the connection settings of the
camera, press the EDIT column.
If you are having problems connecting to the camera, you must enter the correct user name in the
USER NAME and password in the PASSWORD field and then press the OK button to save the
settings. If the NVR connected to the camera in STATUS filed will be displayed
remove a camera from the list, press the in DELETE column.
It should be borne in mind that if the camera password is changed from the level of e.g. a web
browser, the newly defined password must also be entered in the recorder. Otherwise, after a
longer time from changing the password or after restarting the camera or recorder, the
communication between the camera and the recorder will be lost. This is especially important for
cameras with firmware version and newer. These cameras do not have a defined default
password (it means that the cameras are not activated by default), a new strong password should
be defined when connecting to the camera for the first time. Without defining a new strong
password, the camera configuration from the web browser will not be possible.
III. Record settings :