All rights reserved © AAT HOLDING S.A.
NVR-6332-H2,NVR-6316-H1,NVR-6308P8-H1,NVR-6304P4-H1, NVR-6332-H8, NVR-6332P16-H4
user’s manual ver.1.1
3.6. Function Panel
Panel function allows access to the most important functions of the recorder from the www webpage.
Action menu is identical to the menu available on the NVR.
In order to establish internet connection with NVR it’s necessary to have public IP address (fixed or
variable). In order to obtain this information, contact your Internet provider. Then set the appropriate
parameters of the network connections on the NVR :
The IP address and subnet mask - set the parameters according to your Router. For more information,
please to contact your Internet provider.
Gateway - the gateway address to access the Internet (typically a router address) For more
information, please to contact your Internet service provider. The first and second DNS - use the DNS
provided by your ISP or use public DNS servers, for example.
In the router menu set mapping / forwarding for following ports :
HTTP port: the default value of 80
Data Port: The default value of 6036
RTSP port: The default value of 554
Depending on the type of router port mapping can be named: Virtual Server (virtual servers) or Port
Forwarding (port forwarding).
If you have a dynamic IP address, set the proper parameters of the DDNS as described in this manual.
If you have a router with UPnP, make sure that this feature is enabled. It will automatically start
forwarding ports.