All rights reserved © AAT HOLDING S.A.
NVR-6332-H2,NVR-6316-H1,NVR-6308P8-H1,NVR-6304P4-H1, NVR-6332-H8, NVR-6332P16-H4
user’s manual ver.1.1
2.5.2. Storage Mode
This menu allows you to create disk groups and cameras allocation to groups. This allows you to
separate the recording cameras on each disk. (For NVR-6332-H2 and NVR-6332P16-H4).
In the column GROUP select group number and press the in DISC line to add a disk to the
group. Then, in the camera, add a camera that will be assigned to the selected group.
2.5.3. Disk
In this menu, we can read information about state of hard drives connected to the NVR. You have the
following information :
DISC - displays the name of the hard disk
CAPACITY [GB] - indicates the size of the hard drive
FREE SPACE [GB] - displays information about actual free space on disk
STATUS - displays information for hard drive mode
SOURCE - source information
GROUP - information about group number assigned
RECORD PERIOD - information about the earliest and the latest recordings on the disk.