All rights reserved © AAT HOLDING S.A.
NVR-6332-H2,NVR-6316-H1,NVR-6308P8-H1,NVR-6304P4-H1, NVR-6332-H8, NVR-6332P16-H4
user’s manual ver.1.1
PPPoE Settings - in this field it’s possible to set the PPPoE settings. Check the ENABLE check-box
and provide username and password to start the service.
2.6.2. Port
In this tab it's possible to set the settings for the ports used in network communication.
HTTP PORT - sets the port for HTTP transmission (defualt 80)
SERVER PORT - port used for data transmission (default 6036)
RTSP PORT - port used for RTSP trasmission (default 554)
2.6.3. DDNS
In this field it’s possible to configure DDNS service allowing asigning domian to dynamic IP.
Check ENABLE to enable service settings and select service provider from list. Then enter the
appropriate parameters as ADDRESS SERVER services, user NAME and PASSWORD and press the
APPLY button to start the service.
NOTE: AAT Holding S.A is not responsible for the operation of DDNS services that are provided by
third parties.
2.6.4. E-mail
In this tab it’s possible to add SMTP server for sending e-mails with notyfication alarms.
Under EMAIL ADDRESS enter the sender e-mail address. In NAME and PASSWORD provide
username and password for email account. Provide vaild server name in SMTP SERVER field.
Check for correct SMTP server port The default port number is 25. You can enable SSL encryption
and adding photos to Annex message in the ATTACH PHOTO.