NVIP-TC5401C/MPX2.0 - User’s Manual ver.1.3.
All rights reserved © AAT Holding sp. z o.o.
4.2.4. Event setting
a. Event setting
- configuration of motion detection and network events
Motion detection - allows you to define three motion detection areas with each area featuring
four motion detection zones. Sensitivity is set independently for each area. Three colours
correspond to a defined detection zone - first area (blue), second area (green), third area (red).
After a specific area has been selected, add motion detection zone by clicking right mouse button
in the image and selecting specific area. To delete this area you have to click right button again.
Responds to motion detection event in each area:
sending E-mail message with an attachment, sending a file to FTP server, activating output,
saving a file to SD card
in case of saving on the SD card camera will send information to e-mail or FTP server
motion detection may be schedule-based