6732M/LPR Quick start guide version 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT SYSTEMY BEZPIECZEŃSTWA Sp. z o.o.
Turns on the slideshow
photos from the selected list are displayed sequentially in the preview
Stops the slide show
Set the speed at which photos are changed in the slide show.
Player options for searching of video:
After selecting the video recordings in the recorded material type selection list, the search window will
display the respective menu items. The search panel remains unchanged, and the timeline and playback
controls will appear at the bottom of the window.
After pressing the search button, the camera searches for the video fragments that meet the criteria you
have set and displays them as a list in the search panel area.
To search for video fragments with detected license plates, the "Image analysis" option must be
selected. At the same time, the time ranges in which the searched recordings are located will be marked
in red on the timeline. Double clicking on the selected item on the list of searched recordings will play
the selected video fragment.
The download button in the item line allows you to save the selected video fragment to the
computer disk.