TagTemp- NFC
Device Configuration
Fig. 06 – Device Configuration Screen
General Settings.
Device Title: Field to configure (or view) the title of the device.
Logging Interval: Field to configure (or view) the interval
between data acquisitions.
Offset Adjustment: Field to configure (or view) the user offset
defined for the device.
Valid Range:
Operating range, where the user specifies the
measuring range of the device, which, if exceeded, will result in
Fig. 07 – Device Configuration Screen
High: Maximum operating range, related to the maximum value
Low: Minimum operation range, related to the minimum value
The user can configure the acquisitions parameters,
such as the temperature unit and the start and end of records.
Device Power Options:
The user can set between the active
and low-power modes of the device.
In low-power mode the device will be inoperative.
Fig. 08 – Events Screen
Digital Input:
Information about events on the digital input.
Digital Input Events: Number of events occurred.
Last Event: Indicates the time of the last event occurred.
Last State: Indicates the state of the last event occurred.
Longest Period in ON: Indicates the longest time that remained
in ON state.
High Excursions:
Indicates when the measured value exceeds
the upper limit specified.
First Occurrence: Time and value of the first occurrence above
the upper limit of range.
Last Occurrence: Time and value of the last occurrence above
the upper limit of range.
Total Logs within Occurrences: Number of acquisitions for
events above the upper limit of range.
Average Temperature within Occurrences: Average value of
the temperatures above the maximum range.
Fig. 09 – Events Screen
Low Excursions:
Indicates when the measured value exceeds
the lower limit under the specified range.
First Occurrence: Time and value of the first occurrence below
the lower limit of range.
Last Occurrence: Time and value of the last occurrence below
the lower limit of range.
Total logs within Occurrences: Number of acquisitions for
events below the lower limit of range.
Average Temperature within Occurrences: Average value of
the temperatures below the minimum range.