Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)
WPS is a system that allows Wi-Fi devices to connect to a Wi-Fi network without having to manually
enter the network key, and is accessible through the MiFi 6620 display.
On the MiFi 6620 Display
To start Push Button WPS:
On the Home screen, scroll to the WPS icon and press the select button to display WPS
Method options.
Navigate to the Start Push Button option and press the select button. WPS starts and you
have 2 minutes to press the WPS button on the Wi-Fi device you want to connect to your
MiFi 6620 to complete automatic setup.
To exit the Push Button WPS option and return to the Home screen, navigate to Exit and
press the select button.
WPS Option
Start Push Button Method
Push Button WPS Started
Exit WPS Setup
To start PIN Input WPS:
On the Home screen, scroll to the WPS icon and press the select button to display WPS
Method options.
Navigate to the PIN Input option and press the select button. Follow the instructions on the
screen to enter a PIN and connect the selected Wi-Fi device to your MiFi 6620.
To exit the PIN Input WPS option and return to the Home screen, navigate to Exit and press
the select button.
WPS Option
Select PIN Input Method
Input PIN
Exit WPS Setup