If you try to enter an illegal move, the ERROR LED will light up. Put that piece
back on the "
" square without applying pressure and enter a legal move. The
ERROR LED will disappear.
If you try to move a different piece for the computer than indicated, the two
corresponding rank and file LEDs for that square will stay on. Set the wrongly
moved piece back on its "
" square without applying pressure and move the
correct piece as indicated by pressing it down gently.
If, while executing a move for the computer, you move a correct piece to a wrong
square, the two corresponding rank and file LEDs for that square will stay on. Just
move the piece to the square indicated by pressing it down gently.
If the computer indicates a move onto a square that is occupied by an opponent's
piece, it means that this piece is captured and must be removed from the game
board. Simply take it from the board without applying pressure.
a) Castling
The computer displays Castling with the King's and the Rook's move. When
Castling press first the 2 squares for the King and then move the Rook by applying
pressure on the appropriate squares indicated by the lit up LEDs. Do the same when
executing a Castling move for yourself.
You may not castle while your King is in check, nor may you castle through
This NOVAG OPAL II accepts and executes Castlings in set up board positions.
En Passant Captures
The computer captures En Passant automatically.
You may capture En Passant whenever the rules
permit. Do not forget to remove the captured
pawn. The computer accepts and executes En
Passant moves in set up board positions.