7. Contraindications
The NOVAFON® instrument should definitely not be used in
the following cases:
People fitted with heart pacemakers, artificial heart valves or suffering from
cardiac palpitations as well as epileptics and pregnant women should consult
a physician prior to use. Always avoid applying the instrument directly on or
over surgical implants or inflamed joints and veins. In such cases you should
also refrain from using the magnetic probe. The instrument should not be used
in conjunction with inflamed diseases of the skin, dyshidrotic eczema as well
as cases of inflammation often accompanied by fever or a high temperature.
Also, treatment in proximity to ailing veins, and in the region of the abdomen
and back of pregnant women is not recommended. At the earliest, treatment
to whiplash should not commence until 3 days after the initial injury. The
magnetic probe should not be applied to areas surrounding surgically-pinned
fractures nor on open wounds. It is advised to wait until the fourth day before
treating bruises/contusions.
If in doubt, always consult a physician.
8. Using the magnetic probe
Sonic wave therapy plus magnetic field therapy.
During magnetic field therapy, with the flow of electrically conductive blood
plasma passing through the blood vessels, a vibrating (oscillating) separation
of ions takes place in the area around the alternating magnetic pole fields. In
addition, Faraday’s law of induction comes into effect, by which electrical eddy
currents occur, then subsequently release heat. Through the amalgamation of
sonic wave and magnetic field therapies, the effects of both are combined.
With the
instrument alone, a micro-massage of the joints’ inner
surfaces, in the knees, hip joints and in the joints of the arm takes place,
for example. The result is a more intensive effect and an acceleration of the
healing process. Of great importance to the success of this combined therapy
is not only the proven depth effectiveness of the
instrument but
also the gauss force of the magnets employed during that therapy. For treat-
ment using the magnetic probe, the sonic disc is unscrewed and the magnetic
probe screwed on. Coated with 24 carat gold, it is particularly friendly to the
skin. The sonic therapy can also be carried out through a piece of thin material.
For magnetic field therapy, skin contact is indeed essential. The relatively hard
magnet should be applied gently to the skin however. All types of use, both the
intrasonic therapy and the magnetic field therapy, have no known side effects
when used on the body for periods of up to 20 minutes.