5.) Remove wheels. Looking at unit as if you were sitting is operator seat, put outrigger in front left slot, secure with pin
and put front left wheel by rear right slot. Install other outrigger in front right slot, secure with pin and put front right
wheel by rear left slot. Lower wheels by pulling lever #3.
6.) Position bucket next to the right side outrigger. Elevate the right side of the unit by pushing lever #3 until right side
balances enough to install back -right wheel into slot. The right outrigger should be about 2 feet of f the ground. Install
back right wheel into slot and secure with pin.
7.) Lower right side of unit by pulling lever #3 to where the outrigger is touching the ground and the flat part of the bucket is
flush to the ground. Insert the back-left wheel into the slot and secure with pin. If needed, move bucket next to the left
outrigger and elevate the left side to allow wheel to be inserted in to slot. Make sure all pins are secure.
The trencher is now in digging mode. Read the entire manual before attempting to operate the
trencher. Like any industrial tool, proper training and preparation are needed to safely and efficiently
operate the trencher.