Page 11 of 80
Meridian Data Services
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The following are the topics in this section:
Basic data call configuration 11
Basic data call configuration
The Meridian Data Services features support a wide range of dial-up data
communication activities. These applications fall into different basic
categories based on equipment configuration. These categories are
designated as follows:
Local Terminal to Terminal activities involve in-house communication
between intelligent terminals, display terminals, and data entry devices.
Word processor communication and conversational information
exchange fall into this category (Figure 1).
Terminal to Terminal Computer Port configurations support applications
such as distributed data processing, time-shared computing, and
inquiry/response (Figure 2).
Terminal to Remote Device applications involve the use of a modem
pool to access analog lines for external data communications. The
Meridian 1 permits external data calling on facilities also used for voice
communications, such as WATS, FX and TIE lines (Figure 3).