WLAN Cable Access Point 6220 CSU NTPM99CA Rel 2.0 Issue 5 Dec 2005
Public IP Address
-- The IP address/mask seen by the external network.
The IP address and subnet mask must be the same as the one in the
IP Setup dialog under the Setup menu.
Public IP Mask
-- The IP mask seen by the external network.
The IP address and subnet mask must be the same as the one in the
IP Setup dialog under the Setup menu.
Select IP Mask Button
-- Clicking this button displays the IP Mask List,
which the shows the IP Masks that can be used as public or private IP
masks for outgoing NAT. The list consists of all possible subnet masks,
and represents the range of addresses that will be translated.
Private IP Address
-- The IP address that is seen by the local/internal
The IP will be combined with the subnet mask, and the range of
addresses that results will be translated. This range of IP set must match
the addresses of the clients that connect to the base station.
Private IP Mask
-- The IP mask that is seen by the local/internal network.
The IP will be combined with the subnet mask, and the range of
addresses that results will be translated. This range of IP set must match
the addresses of the clients that connect to the base station.
Inhibit Private NAT IP Address through this interface
This option allows you to select one or more interfaces in which NAT
will not be permitted. By default, no interfaces are selected. To select
more than one interface, hold down the <Ctrl> key and click the names
of the interfaces you wish to inhibit. Typically, you will inhibit the
public interfaces because you will generally have users behind the
private side (i.e., the private side is NATed to the public side).
Therefore, you must inhibit the interface used on the public side,
whichever it may be. For example, in the screen shown below, the
Ethernet 10.* network is NATed to the 140.* public wireless network.
Therefore, NAT must be inhibited on the public interface, in this case the
802.11 interface. To do this, you would select 802.11 from the list, and
click the OK button.