52 Norstar format
SMDR6 System Coordinator Guide
P0907246 Issue 01
The lines below are printed when the room occupancy status of room
12345 changes to vacant.
Norstar Real Time record description
The Real Time records are one line long begin with an asterisk (*) to
differentiate them from other Norstar records. It contains eight fields:
Date in MMDDYY format
Time in HHMMSS format
Line number associated with the call
Station Set number associated with the call
CLID number
CLID name or DNIS number
Call type
Call state
The first field is the date field and is a fixed length of six digits
(MMDDYY). The month, day or year may be preceded with a leading 0
to keep the field length fixed. For example, 010598 is January 5, 1998.
The second field is the time which is also a fixed field with six digits
(HHMMSS). There are no separators between hour, minute and
The third field is the line which is associated with the call being tracked.
The line is fixed at four digits and may have leading zeros. For example,
0019 is line 19. Because the Real Time Hospitality record does not use
the third field it does not contain any characters and appears blank.
The fourth field is the station set number of the station set associated
with the call. Station Set numbers can be from two to seven digits long.
If the number is less than seven digits there are no leading zeros
because this field is not fixed. In the Real Time Hospitality record the
fourth field shows the room number. Room numbers are one to five
digits long.
-------- 23/01/98 23:49:00 EXT = 12345