VP50 IO-Link
Our policy is one of continued research and development. We therefore reserve the right to amend,
without notice, the specifications given in this document. (2019 - 9261a) © 2019 Norgren GmbH
4.0 IO-Link General
4.1 User Settings
This unit has an IO-Link communication interface which requires
an IO-Link-capable module (IO-Link master) for operation. The IO-
Link interface enables direct access to the process and diagnostic
data and provides the possibility to set the parameters of the
unit during operation. In addition communication is possible via
a point-to-point connection with a USB adapter cable.
Device-specific Information
You can find the IODDs necessary
for the configuration of the IO-Link unit and detailed information
about process data structure, Diagnostic information
and parameter addresses at www.norgren.com
User Adjustable Setting
Set Zero calibration
+/- 5% of Span
Set Span calibration
+/- 5% of Span
Reset to Factory Setting
Resets all user settings to Factory supplied.
Communications Failure
Configuration of fail to zero (default) or fail freeze in the event
of IO-Link communications failure
Adjustment of the Gain settings within the control algorithm.
These settings should only be altered by experienced personnel
Set Pressure units
Select demand/feedback pressure unit.
Pressure Ramp profile
Preset unit response time adjustment
Displayed pressure
Applies moving average to displayed pressure output
Read Only Parameters
Demand Cycle Count
Number of pressure operations totalling 10% of Span
Total Hours
Total hours unit has been powered since manufacture
Current Power On Hours
Total hours since last power cycle
Internal Temperature feedback
ºC reading of internal temperature. For indication only.
Total Error Count
Total number of error events