PROBLEM: The remote control does not function correctly
a. Make sure you are standing on the treadmill, holding the remote control near the television and
pointing the remote control directly at the console.
b. If your remote control is still not functioning correctly, the batteries should be replaced; most re-
mote control problems are the result of low batteries. See page 23 to replace the batteries.
PROBLEM: The television is not receiving a signal
a. Make sure the correct TV or AV source is selected. See step 3 on page 22 to select a television
b. Make sure that the antenna cable, CATV cable, or 96" A/V Wire is connected securely to the
treadmill. See page 12 to connect a cable to treadmill.
c. Scan for broadcast or cable signals. See page 25 to scan for signals.
d. Due to an FCC requirement, analog signals will no longer be broadcast over the air after
February 17, 2009. If you wish to view television signals through an antenna after this date, you
must have an antenna capable of receiving digital signals. Cable television will not be affected.
PROBLEM: The volume is too loud or the television audio makes a crackling sound
a. If the television audio makes a crackling sound when the volume is turned up, the volume is too
loud. Press the Volume increase or decrease button on the remote control until the volume level is
80 percent. Once the volume reaches 80 percent, adjust the volume by pressing the Volume but-
tons on the console only.
PROBLEM: The volume cannot be turned up
a. If the volume cannot be turned up, the volume may have been adjusted with the remote control.
Press the Volume increase or decrease button on the remote control until the volume level is 80
percent. Once the volume reaches 80 percent, adjust the volume by pressing the Volume buttons
on the console only.
b. If there is no sound coming from the television, make sure the television audio is not muted.
c. If there is no sound coming from the television, make sure the audio wire is not plugged into the
audio jack on the console.
PROBLEM: The television needs to be cleaned
To clean the television, wipe the television and screen using a
soft cloth with a small amount of soft detergent.
Do not use a polishing cloth, solvent, or any
type of propellant or chemical detergent such as alcohol or benzene.