CCS Technical Documentation
Issue 1 11/02
Nokia Corporation
Page 75
- GSM1900: Purpose is to tune high channel power (ch512) and low channel power
(ch810) equal to mid channel power (ch661).
- GSM850: Purpose is to tune high channel power (ch128) and low channel power
(ch251) equal to mid channel power (ch189).
Typical values:
- Low Comp Factor UB 0.5, LB 0.5
- High Comp Factor UB 1.0, LB 1.5
This document has been done to get exact information of defect PA. In case is excessive
current consumption is found during normal trouble shooting, follow this trouble shoot-
ing instructions to find out, if the reason is PA. If the failure is due to PA, change the PA
and replace the removed components.
- if the short is on VBATT line, the current consumption goes to maximum provided from
the power supply
- if it is after UEM then the current is high but not maximum.
Compare the current consumption with a working phone.
NOTE! To get specified current readings, turn module jig MJS-17 switches 2 and 3 ON for
local mode.