indicates which home screen you are in.
Personalise the home screen
Want to see your favourite landscape or pictures of your family in the home screen
background? You can change this wallpaper, and rearrange items in the home screen,
to personalise it to your liking.
If you have more than one home screen, you can switch between them also while
editing, and personalise all your home screens at the same time.
Change the wallpaper
1 Tap and hold the home screen.
2 Select
Change wallpaper
3 Select the desired picture.
4 Select
Download more background images from Nokia's Ovi Store. To learn more about
Ovi Store, go to www.ovi.com.
Rearrange items in the home screen
1 Tap and hold the home screen.
2 Drag and drop items to a new location.
34 Personalisation