Troubleshooting — RF
CCS Technical Documentation
Page 60
Nokia Corporation Confidential
Issue 1 11/2002
Batman (N701) Signaling
- BAND_SEL: 1=PCS, 0=Cell. Batman output that controls external UHF VCO
- GAIN_CTL: output that controls Alfred LNA. 1=LNA high gain, 0=LNA low gain
- IF_SEL: Output that controls Alfred. 1=AMPS, 0=CDMA
- PURX=power up reset. Batman input.
VREFRF01: voltage reference input from UEM. Should be 1.35v
PA Key Features: Shark (N801, Cell) and Snapper (N802, PCS)
- PAs are 50 ohm input/output with internal DC block.
- MODE signal sets the PA into boost (mode=0) or non-boost (mode=1). Boost mode
causes the PA to draw more current in order to improve linearity (which decreases Power
Added Efficiency). Boost Mode is used in CDMA (both IS2000 and IS95, both Cell & PCS)
above +21 dBm transmit power.
- Biased directly from battery.
IREF: input to PA from Robin that controls gain of PA.
LNA/Downconverter (N750) Key Features
Alfred (N750) Key Features
- Front end Receiver chip
- Contains PCS and Cell band fixed gain LNAs that can be switched in or out.
- Contains PCS and Cell band RFAs
- Contains RF to IF downconverter
- Contains fixed gain IF amplifiers, one for CDMA (PCS and Cell) and one for AMPS
Hornet (N602) and Tomcat (N603)
Hornet (PCS) and Tomcat (Cell) are driver amplifiers whose outputs are connected to the
TX filters. Hornet has one input and two outputs, since the output is connected to the
split band filter. Both are powered directly from the battery.