GB 50
User preferences
From here you can change the menu language. You also have
access to the Parental Control, the Appearance and Recording
Preferences menus.
Language preferences
Menu language
Here you may select in which language the menus will be shown .
Main and alternative audio Ianguage
If more than one audio language is transmitted, you may select
the main and an alternative language.
If you select the “Visible” alternative for subtitling and more than
one language is available, you may select a main language and
an alternative.
In case you want to control the Teletext function with your TV
remote control, this parameter must be set to ”Invisible”.
Parental control
To open this menu you will be asked to enter your access code.
From the factory the access code is set to 1234
The following settings can be altered from this menu.
Receiver lock
If you select “On,” you will have to enter the access code every
time you start the Mediamaster from standby.
Age rating control
If you want everybody to have access to all available types of pro-
grammes, select “Off.”
If you select “On,” you may block programmes unsuitable for
children. Select an age limit between 4 and 18 years on the line
that appears.
However, you should be aware that not all Service Providers have
the necessary codes for these functions implemented in their
Do not
use this Age rating control function if you are using the
Age rating control provided with your Smartcard. See page 56.
Change access code
From here you can change the access code from the stand-
ard 1234. DO NOT FORGET IT! Without it you do not have ac-
cess to any of the functions where the code is required!
If you forget it, you have to contact an Authorized Nokia
Service Center to get help.