GB 35
The Slow Motion function
Slow Motion
function is a way to watch a playback in a
slower way than the normal playback speed. This function is the
same for all types of recordings. It only works in the forward di-
rection, never backwards.
To playback in Slow Motion mode:
• First you must start the playback of a recording.
• Then put it into pause mode by pressing
• Start the function with any of the buttons. You also use
them to control the speed, which is from +3 to -5, where +3
is half of the playback speed and -5 is really slow.
• Exit the Slow Motion mode and return to normal playback
speed by pressing
Small steps during playback
To move small steps forwards or backwards during a playback you
can use the
double arrow
buttons. The
will step 20 sec. for-
wards and
will step 10 sec. backwards.
Find a specific position within a playback
If you have a very big recording and want to reach a specific po-
sition of it, the Fast Forward or Rewind functions might be a bit
inconvenient to use.
Instead you can use thejump function
• Start a playback.
• Select
from the menu.
• From line 1,
Jump to position
, you can select one of the
predefined times with , or enter an exact time with the
number buttons on the remote control. Please note, that
start position for the “jump” is the beginning of the pro-
. If you watch a playback for 25 minutes and from
there select to jump e.g. 1 hour on line 1, you will reach a po-
sition 1 hour into the programme, not 1h. 25 minutes.
When you want to jump to an exact position, e.g. 1 hour 3 min-
utes and 7 seconds, enter 010307. Always 2 figures for each
hour, minute and second. When you want to jump e.g.
12 minutes and 32 seconds, enter 1232.
If you enter a wrong digit, remove it with .
• Line 2 and 3,
Jump Forwards/Backwards
: Select one of the
predefined times with , or enter an exact time with the
number buttons on the remote control. In any of these cases
you will jump forwards or backwards
from the position
where the playback is right now