Figure 16 Auto tuning concept with CMU200
Auto tuning procedure
Install the phone-specific data package, e.g.
The data package defines the phone-specific settings.
1. Make sure the phone (in the jig) is connected to the equipment. Else, some menus will not be shown in
2. Go to loss settings by selecting Tuning (Alt_U)
SET LOSS from the menu.
3. Set the loss between CMV200 and the phone. (Total loss = cable + jig)
4. Go to auto tuning by selecting Tuning (Alt_U)
Auto-tune (Alt_A) from the menu.
5. Start auto tuning by clicking the Tune button.
Self test troubleshooting
Phoenix self test troubleshooting
Always start the troubleshooting procedure by running the Phoenix self tests. If a test fails, please follow the
diagram below.
If the phone is dead and you cannot perform the self tests, go to
Dead or jammed device troubleshooting
in chapter 3, Baseband troubleshooting and manual tuning guide.
Self tests are recommended to be made when phone is in jig and a 50Ω load connected to
the RF connector. Otherwise power tests may fail depending on antenna load
RM-632; RM-634; RM-699
RF troubleshooting
Issue 3
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