The difference between the two readings should be 100mA – 130mA and measures the transmit current in
11MBPS, 802.11b mode of operation.
RX Tests
There are different options available for testing the Rx path. The simplest is to use the WLAN to report Rx
packets when operating in an area where there is an active WLAN network. Simply starting an Rx test will
show the number of packets detected by the WLAN module as it monitors the network. However, it does
require a properly configured WLAN network. The alternative approach is to make a conducted test using a
signal generator connected to the WLAN antenna port. The drawback in this approach is that the WLAN
antenna connection in the phone is not actually tested.
From the testing toolbar select WLAN Rx Test option shown below. This test can be used to verify Rx
configuration and functionality.
Before starting the test, change test mode to "Generator mode" and then select the Start option button to
start the test.
As the WLAN monitors an active WLAN network, the Rx test results window will update and show the number
of Frames received, as well as the Packer error rate. If there is no data reported in the "Rx test results" screen,
please change the "test channel" number.
Monitoring the detected frames is a simple method to verify the WLAN antenna and receiver path is working
properly. The current consumption of the phone/flash adaptor before and during the Rx test should be the
same (10 mA max difference).
RM-632; RM-634; RM-699
BB Troubleshooting and Manual Tuning Guide
Issue 3
Page 3 – 59
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