In summary these two Self tests provide a simple means of ensuring the Host engine is able to communicate
with the WLAN module and check the interface to BT. More detailed WLAN performance test is covered in
WLAN functional test section.
WLAN functional tests
On/Off test
From the testing toolbar select WLAN Configuration option. This opens the WLAN configuration dialogue
box below. Selecting the Power state option button (as indicated), the WLAN can be turned ON and OFF:
1 With Power State set to OFF, measure the dc power supply current consumption of the flash adaptor.
2 Next return the Power state to ON and re-measure the dc power supply current of the flash adaptor.
The difference between the currents in (1) and (2) should be between 160 to 200mA. When WLAN is ON, the
firmware has been downloaded and the WLAN module is in the receive state. When OFF WLAN is powered
TX tests
From the testing toolbar select WLAN Tx Test option shown below. This test can be used to verify TX
configuration and functionality. The default settings are sufficient for testing the TX operation, although
other channels and data rates are equally suitable. To start the test, select the Start option button:
1 Measure and record the TX ON current consumption of the Phone/ flash adaptor.
2 Monitor the WLAN TX spectrum on a Spectrum analyser either using a co-ax cable connected to the WLAN
TX antenna port or by making a radiated test with a suitable WLAN antenna connected to the spectrum
analyser input. (When making a radiated test ensure that other WLAN devices are not transmitting as
these may be detected as well, confusing the result).
3 To finish the test select the Finish option button
4 Measure the TX OFF current consumption of the phone/flash adaptor.
RM-632; RM-634; RM-699
BB Troubleshooting and Manual Tuning Guide
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Issue 3
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