M e n u f u n c t i o n s
To view the currently paired mobile phones that support the
Hands-Free Bluetooth profile, select
Call connections
; to
view the currently paired music devices that support the
A2DP Bluetooth profile, select
Music connections
. The
currently connected device is indicated by a filled circle. To
connect the headset to a device or disconnect the headset
from it, scroll to the device, and press the selection key.
Automatic keylock
To turn the automatic key lock on or off, select
. When the automatic key lock is on, the keys are
locked after 30 seconds (when no call is in progress) if the
keys are not pressed during that time. See also “Lock or
unlock the keys,” p. 23.
To select the language for the texts shown on the headset
display, select
. Scroll to the desired language, and
press the selection key. The language is automatically