If your card information is already saved, to use a different payment method, select
Change billing details
4 To get a receipt of your purchase, select or enter a mail address.
5 Select
6 When the download is complete, you can open or view the item, or continue
browsing for more content. The content type determines where the item is stored
in your phone. To change the default location, select
and the desired memory.
Use a WLAN connection to download larger files, such as games, applications, or
To avoid entering your payment card details over and over when buying items from
Nokia Store, save your details to your Nokia account. You can add more than one
payment card, and choose which one to use when buying.
For more information on an item, contact the publisher of the item.
View your download queue
While an item is downloading, you can continue to browse for other content and add
items to your download queue.
, and sign in to your Nokia account.
The status of currently downloading items is displayed in the New downloads section.
One item is downloaded at a time, and pending items wait in your download queue.
Previously downloaded items are displayed in the My stuff section.
If you need to, for example, temporarily close your WLAN connection, select the
downloading item, and in the details view, select
.To resume downloading, select
. Pause pending items individually.
If a download fails, you can re-download the item.
Write a review
Do you want to share your opinion on an item with other Nokia Store users? Write your
own review, and rate the item.
You can post one review per item that you have downloaded.
1 Select the item and
2 Write your review, rate the item, and select
Add review
36 Personalisation and Nokia Store