Your NodOn Octan Remote is now included in the Z-Wave network of your VeraEdge,
and is displayed on your interface.
To enjoy fully the Octan Remote, we advise you to use “Scene” instead of Direct
Associations. VeraEdge currently support 2 types of Scene: Central Scene and Scene
Central Scene mode is the default mode of the Octan Remote
If you want to pass to Scene Activation mode, you need to modify Configuration
Parameter #3
Central Scene Mode (Default Mode)
In this mode, the VeraEdge can currently understand 4 scenes from the Octan
Remote, 1 for a Single Press on each button. The VeraEdge currently ignores double
Press, Long Press and Release.
There are 2 ways to set up scene in this mode
You already have scene and you want to trig them with the Octan Remote
You want to trig something else than a scene
Go to “Devices” menu and choose the Octan Remote, and then click on “Select scenes
for device buttons” in the menu.