Make sure you are close enough to the VeraEdge while doing this.
Please wait until VeraEdge configures it according to your need.
We’ve displayed above some solutions to use the Octan Remote with VeraEdge
gateway. Some features can be considered as “tricky”, we’re currently working and
pushing with Vera’s team to make this more user-friendly and easy to use.
The 2 others portable controllers of NodOn (Soft Remote and Wall Switch) are
working in the exact same manner as the NodOn Octan Remote, once the Inclusion is
done. You can apply above tutorial. For Learning modes (Inclusion / Exclusion) of the
Wall Switch and the Soft Remote, please refer to the relevant User Guide.
Soft Remote NodOn (Z-Wave Plus
) Wall Switch NodOn (Z-Wave Plus
If you have any question, please contact us on
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