6.7 Calculator
Calculate using the number keys to enter numbers, press the left side
of the operation symbol (“+,-,×,÷”), press the “=” that displays the
If input 1 +2 = 3, methods of operation: first enter the number keys
“1”, then use the navigation keys to select the “+” sign, enter the
number keys 2, with the choice “=” sign, press the left soft key, to
calculate the results “3.”
6.8 Multi media
6.8.1Video player
This player can play video from your Micro SD card.
Note: The formats audio must be only AVI
6.8.2 Audio player
This player can play music from your Micro SD card.
Note: The formats audio must be only MP3 or WAV.
6.8.3 Sound recorder
You can make sound recorder
6.9 Settings
6.9.1 Phone Settings
• Time and date
Set Time and date: input time, month, year and press save.
• Schedule power on/off
Set the time to power on and off
• Language
Select language and press OK.