6.3Call Center
6.3.1 Call history
Missed, dialed, and Received calls are saved in a combined call log. For
multiple calls related to the same number, only the most recent call is
saved. You can delete the call log.
6.3.2 Call settings
• Advanced setting
1. Blacklist
Reject number: you can select on/off
Blacklist numbers: You can set 20 numbers to blacklist, when you
select reject number on, once these 20 numbers call you, you will not
receive calls from them, no disturb.
2. Auto call recorder: select on/off
3. Auto redial: select on/off
4. Call time display: select on/off
5. Call time reminder: Off/Single/Periodic
6. Answer mode: Any key/auto answer when headset mode
6.4 Alarm
You can set to up 5 alarms in different hours.
Set time, type, tone and ringtone.
6.5 FM radio
Enter FM radio, press the numbers “4” and “6” to adjust and choose
your favorite frequency and press “0” to turn OFF/ ON to continue
listen the radio.
6.6 Calendar
Enter the option submenu:
You can jump to date, go to the Today, Week View and other operations.