1. It is always preferable to use the lowest performance where this gives circulation
sufficient to heat all the heat emitters evenly (uneven distribution of heat may be due to
the need to balance the flow of water in each heat emitter)
2. If the pump is set at too high a speed, flow noise may occur in the system and in
particular at the thermostatic valves. This can be rectified by switching to a lower speed.
3. If the pump performance requirement is not known start with the lowest pump setting.
If heat emitters remain cold, or if the boiler inlet and outlet temperature differential
(specified by the manufacturers of the boiler) is not achieved increase the flow by
adjusting the speed control as shown in fig.4a.
Too high a speed setting may result in pumping over or drawing in air.
- DO NOT use pump isolating valves for performance control.
Speed Regulator – Electronic Pumps
In order to guarantee efficient operation of the heating installation and optimum adaptation
of the pump to the load on the hydraulic installation, it is important to select the right
control range. The pump control channel is selected using a 3-stage selector switch fig 4b in
accordance with the installation requirements. The pump operates within the chosen control
range and adapts continuously to the fluctuating power requirements of the installation, in
particular when thermostatic valves are used
After switching to a different control range, it will take some time before the heating
installation control becomes stable.
6. Maintenance
No routine maintenance is necessary, however, during prolonged shutdown e.g. summer
months, it is advisable to run the pump for a few minutes every few weeks.
7. Trouble Shooting Guide
Faults and Remedies
Pump Fails to Start
Check power supply fuses
Check voltage at pump terminals (see pump nameplate data)
Check electrical connection wiring procedure (see section 4.3)
Check rotor free to rotate (see section 5)
8573 Nocchi Booklet 12 linguil 4124349:Pentair Water Italy Srl - Reb