Do not investigate for leaks with hands. Use a large piece of cardboard.
1.3.2 Hydraulic System – Special Instructions
To minimize hydraulic system damage, do the following:
Clean li ness is the best way to in sure sat is fac tory com po nent life, on ei ther
new or re paired units. Cleaning parts by us ing a sol vent wash and air
dry ing is ad e quate if clean sol vent is used. This is pre ci sion equip ment.
The in ter nal mech a nism and re lated items must be kept free of for eign
ma te ri als and chem i cals.
Pro tect all ex posed seal ing sur faces and open cav i ties from dam age and
for eign ma te ri als.
Al ways re place gas kets and O-rings. Clean gas ket seal ing sur faces prior to
in stall ing new gas ket. Lightly lu bri cate all O-rings with clean pe tro leum jelly
prior to as sem bly.
Keep oil stor age ar eas clean and dry.
Keep bar rel bungs cov ered and sealed un til you’re ready to use the oil. Clean
the bung seals be fore re mov ing them, and clean the bung be fore re mov ing it.
Use only clean pumps and con duits to trans fer fluid from bar rels to the
res er voir. Clean the sys tem’s en try port thor oughly.
Fil ter all fluid in tro duced into the res er voir through a nom i nal, no-bypass,
10-micron fil ter. Do not use a bucket or such method.
Never add used fluid to the sys tem. The high costs of down time and
com po nent re place ment is more costly than the price of new oil.
Never mix hy drau lic flu ids. It is highly pos si ble that the ad di tive pack age of
one fluid will not be com pat i ble with the other’s ad di tives. You can end up
with a fluid in which none of the ad di tive pack ages do their jobs.
In the event of a cat a strophic fail ure of a pump or mo tor: Drain, clean, flush
the sys tem, and change fil ters. Oth er wise, metal par ti cles and dirt can
re main in the sys tem to cause dam age af ter you re place the com po nent.
1.3.3 Changing Reservoir Oil
1. To drain tank, place a container under the tank and remove drain plug.
Drain and discard oil.
2. Replace container under the open drain and flush tank interior with a
min eral spirits type solvent. Allow time for the cleaning material to drain
and tank interior to dry. A jet of air (low pressure) applied into the tank will
speed the drying. Remember, keep the tank clean!
3. Replace drain plug and fill tank with recommended oil to proper level on
dip stick (MOBIL DTE-13). Tank capacity is 15 gallons [57 liters].
4. Start engine and operate system. Recheck oil level. Add oil if required.
MARCH 31, 2009
Truck Mounted Passenger Stair TMPS-200
Manual No. 307559