Problem Cause
1. The mandrel has reached the
end of its service life.
-Replace the mandrel with a new one.
(See p.11)
2. Attempted doulbe caulking of
Pop Nut.
-Do not attempt doulbe caulking. (See
7.(2) on p.17)
-Replace the mandrel if it is damaged.
(See p.11)
3. The caulk stroke is excessive.
-Adjust the caulk stroke. (See p.12)
-Replace the mandrel if it is damaged.
(See p.11)
4. The control nut or the T valve
push rod is broken.
-Replace the broken parts with new
ones. (See p.22-p.24)
-Replace the mandrel if it is damaged.
(See p.11)
The mandrel breaks
or bends.
Or POP nut thread
is damaged.
5. The nut tool is tilted when
-Follow proper operating procedure.
(See 7.(2) on p.17)
-Replace the mandrel if it is damaged.
(See p.11)
1. Inadequate air pressure.
-Adjust the pressure of the compressed
air supply. (See p.7)
Impossible stroke.
2. Insufficient of hydraulic oil.
-Fill the hydrauluc oil. (See p.24)
The caulk stroke is
inadequate. (Where
the automatic
reverse rotation
and mandrel
operate normally)
1. The caulk stroke is misadjusted
and is inadequae.
-Adjust the caulk storke. (See p.12)
1. Inadequate air pressure.
-Adjust the pressure of the compressed
air supply. (See p.7)
The caulk stroke is
inadequte. (Where
the automatic
reverse rotation
does not happen
and the mandrel
cannot detach.)
2. Hydraulic oil is insufficient or
air is mixed with it.
-Top up the hydraulic oil. (See
1. Not enough hydraulic oil.
-Top up the hydraulic oil. (See p.24-
2. Too much hydraulic oil.
An excessive amount of the
hydraulic oil has not been bled off.
-Remove excessive amount of oil and
let air out. (See p.26)
3. The control nut or the T valve
push rod is broken.
-Replace the broken parts with new
ones. (See p.22-24)
Impossible to
adjust to a prope
caulk stroke.
4. Minimum stroke has not been
-Adjust the minimum stroke. (See