General Information
Service Manual – SCRUBTEC R466 ... FOCUS II Micro Rider
Service and Diagnostic Equipment
Besides a complete set of standard meters, the following instruments are necessary to perform fast checks and
repairs on Nilfisk-Advance machines:
• Laptop computer charged with the current version of EzParts, Adobe Reader and (if possible) Internet
Digital Volt Meter (DVM)
Amperometric pliers with possibility of making DC measurements
• Hydrometer
Battery charge tester to check 12V batteries
Static control wrist strap
Dynamometric wrench set
A copy of the User Manual and Spare Parts List of the machine to be serviced (provided with the machine
or available at www.advance-us.com or other Nilfisk-Advance websites).
The following equipment is also available at Nilfisk-Advance Centers:
• Vacuum water lift gauge, P/N 56205281
• Italsea universal programmer, P/N 9097297000