Original Instructions
4.1.3 Teaching the coin se-
lector to accept a coin
The coin selector can be “taught” to recognize and accept a
user defi ned coin. The coin can be assigned one of six values by
choosing one of six “Teach Channels”, represented by the blocking
switches 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 (see 4.1.4)
Teaching is done by setting the coin selector to Teach Mode, selec-
ting a “Teach Channel” and then entering a minimum of 10 coins
through the coin slot.
Teaching can be performed with the coin selector in the machine.
Before beginning teaching
Set coin switch (19) to OFF.
Set blocking switches 11,12,13,14,15,16 on coin selector to OFF.
Set teach switch 8 on coin selector to OFF.
Set coin switch (19) back to ON.
Entering Teach Mode (in this example Teach Channel 13 is chosen)
On coin selector set Teach Switch 8 ON to enter teach mode.
On coin selector set blocking switch 13 – „TK13 C“ – to ON.
Enter Coin min. 10 times (use several coins/coins to have a bet-
ter acceptance).
On coin selector set blocking switch 13 back to OFF position.
One single click from coin selector indicates that the Coin is
accepted. (other indications: Coin not accepted – less than 10
entries or invalid coins - try again).
Switch pin 8 back to OFF position.
The coin selector is now tought to recognize and accept the Coin
as valid payment, and the value assigned to the Coin depends on
the chosen Teach Channel (see 4.1.4).
Coins and national coins can be used simultaneously, when their
blocking switches are OFF.
On both coin selectors the “Blocking switches 1,2,3,4,5,6” can
further be used to disable coins of wide tolerances. For normal
operation they should all be left in the “OFF” – position.
The “Blocking switches 11,12,13,14,15,16” are all used only to
teach the coin selector to recognize user defi ned coins. Leave
these in “OFF”-position for now.
The Switch 8 is designated “Teach switch”. Leave this “OFF” for
normal operation.