Night Owl Technical Support
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DVR Hardware Setup Video
Your device is running the latest firmware version.
Your device is registered. To register your device:
Download Night Owl Protect from your Smart Device's App Store.
Click "Sign Up" to create an account.
Go to and manually register your device.
You are in front of the device with it powered on and connected to TV a Monitor.
Follow along as we guide you through the DVR's hardware
setup. Step-by-step instructions make it even easier to
connect your system!
Still need more support? Before calling Night Owl Technical Support, keep in
mind we can only provide phone support if:
For more Support Videos, go to Night Owl’s YouTube page by
into your web browser.
Use the QR Code for easy access to the DVR Hardware
Setup Video on Night Owl’s YouTube Channel.
Thank you for being a Night Owl Customer! Secure, Protect, Connect your world!