HPZ 112 D and HPZ 115 D
Niethammer HPZ 112 D and HPZ 115 D Page 4
Electrical Connection and Fitting the lamp
This luminaire is designed for operating at a nominal voltage of 220 V - 240 V.
It is delivered with a cable HO7-RNF 3 x 1.5 qmm , 2,5 m length, equipped with a Schuko plug at the luminaire site.
This luminaire is set for use with a 1 kW lamp (LCL 55 mm) but it can be adapted to take a 1.2 kW lamp (LCL 67 mm).
The maximum diameter for the lamp bulb is limited to 32mm. Do not use a lamp with a larger bulb.
The Lamp Housing can be opened simply by loosen the two screws.
Before opening the lamp Housing (1), you must losing the Rear Section Screw (2) und unplug the cable from voltage! In
the Lamp House, you will find the lamp socket, the mirror and the condenser optic.
The luminaire has a GX9,5-Lamp socket and is for use with a 1000W or 1200W lamp. For using the 1000W lamp, you need
to adjust the lamp 12mm higher in the luminaire to be in optical axis.
The different lamp types are marked on the fixed part of the lamp socket. The lower mark is for the 1200W lamp, the higher
one for the 1000W lamp.
It is possible to modify the lamp holder, using the knurled screws:
- position, near the condenser is for 1000W Lamp
- position near the mirror is for 1200W
No more modifications are needed. All other parts are fixed in the lamp housing.
Parts of Optical System
The plane of projection, you can find between lamp housing (1) and the
front lenses tube (8). Here you can find the Iris (5), the Accessory slot (3)
and the beam shaper (4).
To put the Iris in and out, you must remove the small plastic bolt.
With the Iris it is possible to modify the diameter of the light.
The beam shapers are mounted on 4 different levels, which make it
possible to create different shapes, e.g. a triangle.
The both zoom lenses are used to create the light output. With the zoom lens (10) you assign the light diameter, moving the
lens back and forward. With the focus lens (7) you can sharpen the light output.
The smallest picture you get, moving the two lenses the longest way away from each other.
To have the biggest picture, move the two lenses nearby each other in the middle of the lens tube
If you want to defocus the light, you can use the zoom lenses. Move the one lens out of the sharpness or moving both
lenses together.
Be aware, that it is only allowed to use this method for a maximum moving the /- 30mm (outside the
sharpness). There is the risk to have the focal point in the filter frame and destroy the filter, if you move the lenses in
the front of the front lenses tube.
Please use high temperature Filter Frames (like ROSCO-Supergel).