Nieco Corporation - Model JF93G
fleX sIDe ConTRols
1. Multi-Product Control
How it works: The multi-product control is
designed to let you broil different products
on the flex side of the broiler. The control
allows you to have different broiler set-
tings for each product selection button.
Use a grease pen to mark the white area
with the product name.
2. normal operation
Press the product selection button (num-
ber) for the product you wish to cook. The
display will show the product name and
cook time and the light next to the product
selection button will be lit.
NOTE: Be sure the belt is clear of any
products before pressing a new product
selection button.
3. Changing belt speeds
Push the product selection button (1) you
want to adjust then push the up and down
(2) arrows to make changes, then press
the center square button (3) to save them.
4. Changing burner settings
Press the product selection button you
wish to change. Press the product selec-
tion button twice (2X) to get to the burner
selection screen. Push the up or down
button to YES or NO. When you are done
making changes, press the center square
button after you are done adjusting the
burner to save your changes.
5. Changing Product names
Push the product selection button which
you want to make a name to. Press and
hold the center square button for 15 sec-
onds. The control will enter the edit name
screen for that button. Use the up and
down buttons to change the characters.
Press center square button once to move
to the next character until you are finished
editing the product name for that button
(10 character limit). Press and hold the
seconds to save the changes and return
to normal operation.