Alarm list, 43
Component description
Circuit board, 37
Control board (PWB1), 37
Interference filter (PWB 3), 41
Inverter (PWB 2), 40
Component location, electrical panel, 10
Component location AMS 10, 5
Component replacement, 62
Compressor, 64
Compressor 12/16, 71
Control board 12/16, 75
Control board PCB, 66
Fan and fan motor, 62
Fan and fan motor 12/16, 70
Filter board, 69
Filter board 12/16, 77
Inverter board, 67
Inverter board 12/16, 76
Components, 33
Compressor operation, 16
Change in speed, 17
Compressor start, 17
Max. speed, 16
Min. speed, 16
Start procedure, 17
Compressor protection, 26
Description of functions
Defrosting, 20
Expansion valves, 19
Fan speed, 18
Inverter, 28
Oil return, 25
Tank heater, 29
Dimensions, 79
DIP switches, AMS 10, 60
Environmental information, 4
Function description
Compressor operation, 16
Compressor protection, 26
Fan speed – cooling operation, 18
Fan speed – heating operation, 19
Pump down, 30
Temperature and low pressure sensor, 28
Function description AMS 10, 16
Important information, 4
Safety information, 4
System solution, 4
Installation requirements, 15
List of components AMS 10 (EZ101), 9
Marking, 4
Pump down function, 30
Safety information, 4
Environmental information, 4
Marking, 4
Symbols, 4
Symbols on AMS 10, 4
Sensor placement, 12
Serial number, 4
Service, 43
Component replacement, 62
DIP switches, AMS 10, 60
Function description AMS 10, 16
Troubleshooting guide, 46
Sound pressure levels, 83
Symbols, 4
Symbols on AMS 10, 4
System solution, 4
Technical data
Dimensions, 79
Sound pressure levels, 83
Working range, 88
Technical specifications
Capacity and COP, 85
Capacity with lower fuse rating, 87
The heat pump design, 5
Component location AMS 10, 5
Component position electrical panel, 10
Electrical components AMS 10, 11
List of components AMS 10 (EZ101), 9
Item register
Item register